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Anime you all will be missing.

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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
Post subject: Anime you all will be missing.
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I'll just post the anime that will be airing at Comic-Con International.

By the way, this doesn't include anything that will be shown during panels, only in the designated anime viewing rooms.

Room 25A
10:00 Astroboy
10:25 Strange Dawn #5
10:50 ex Driver #4
11:15 King of Bandit Jing #1
11:40 Master Keaton #1
12:05 Rurouni Kenshin #93
12:30 Tsukikage Ran #11
12:55 Y's II #1
1:20 Rune Soldier
1:45 .hack//Sign #11
2:10 Eden's Bowy #6
2:35 Gokudo #25
3:00 Boys Over Flowers #1
3:25 Witch Hunter Robin #1
3:50 Vampire Princess Miyu #25
4:15 Vampire Princess Miyu #26
4:40 The Weathering Continent
5:40 You're Under Arrest Mini Adventure
5:50 12 Kingdoms #1
6:15 Revolutionary Girl Utena #27
6:40 Samurai Deeper Kyo #1
7:05 X #13
7:30 Read or Die #1
8:00 Fooly Cooly #1
8:30 Fooly Cooly #2
9:00 Idol Project #1
9:30 Yamamoto Yohko, Starship Girl #4
10:00 Idol Project #2
10:30 Idol Project #3
11:00 Hellsing#12
11:25 Blue Gender #25

Room 25B
10:00 Mobile Fighter G Gundam
10:25 Zone of Enders
10:50 Patlabor #21
11:15 Kikaider #1
11:40 Daiguard #23
12:05 Big O II #1
12:30 Brigadoon #6
12:55 Wild Arms #18
1:20 Banner of the Stars
1:45 Cosmo Warrior Zero #11
2:10 Infinite Ryvius #1
2:35 Heat Guy J #1
3:00 Argentosoma #11
3:25 Gate Keepers 21 #1
3:50 Gate Keepers 21 #2
4:15 Melty Lancer #1
4:45 Melty Lancer #2
5:15 Babel II #11
5:40 RahXephon
6:05 Great Dangaioh #11
6:30 Gene Shaft #5
6:55 Project Arms
7:20 s-CRY-ed #1
7:45 Harlock Saga #6
8:15 Patlabor M3:WXIII
9:55 Five Star Story
11:00 Spectral Force

Room 25C
10:00 Hamtaro
10:25 Maison Ikkoku
10:50 Saint Tail #40
11:15 Saint Tail #41
11:40 Haunted Junction
12:05 Fruits Basket #14
12:30 His and Her Circumstances #17
12:55 Ranma 1/2
1:20 Urusei Yatsura #61
1:45 Gate Keepers #23
2:10 Gate Keepers #24
2:35 Saber Marionette J to X #23
3:00 Vandread Second Stage #11
3:25 You're Under Arrest #29
3:50 Real Bout High School #11
4:15 Full Metal Panic #6
4:40 Legend of Himiko #10
5:05 K.O. Beast #1
5:30 Love Hina #21
5:55 Love Hina #22
6:20 Love Hina #23
6:45 Love Hina #24
7:10 Please Teacher #5
7:35 Ai Yori Aoshi #12
8:00 Excel Saga
8:25 Chobits #10
8:50 Excel Saga
9:15 Haibane Renmei #1
9:40 If I see you in my Dreams OAV #1
10:05 Mahoromatic 2 #1
10:30 Love Hina OAV
10:55 Hyper Dolls #1&2
Room 25A
10:00 Astroboy
10:25 Strange Dawn #6
10:50 ex Driver #5
11:15 King of Bandit Jing #2
11:40 Master Keaton #2
12:05 Rurouni Kenshin #94
12:30 Tsukikage Ran #12
12:55 Y's II #2
1:20 Rune Soldier
1:45 .hack//Sign #11
2:10 Eden's Bowy #7
2:35 Yu Yu Hakusho #51
3:00 Boys Over Flowers #2
3:25 Witch Hunter Robin #2
3:50 Saiyuki
4:15 Fushigi Yugi Eikoden #1
4:45 Fushigi Yugi Eikoden #2
5:15 Noir #14
5:40 You're Under Arrest Mini Adventure
5:50 12 Kingdoms #2
6:15 Revolutionary Girl Utena #28
6:40 Samurai Deeper Kyo #2
7:05 X #14
7:30 Read or Die #2
8:00 Fooly Cooly #3
8:30 Fooly Cooly #4
9:00 Idol Project #4
9:30 Yamamoto Yohko, Starship Girl #6
10:00 Ninja Scroll #1
10:25 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 1
10:55 Hellsing #13
11:20 Blue Gender #26
11:45 Berserk #25
12:10 AD Police #1

Room 25B
10:00 Aura Battler Dunbine #1
10:25 Macross
10:50 Patlabor #20
11:15 Kikaider #2
11:40 Daiguard #24
12:05 Big O II #2
12:30 Brigadoon #7
12:55 Wild Arms #19
1:20 Banner of the Stars
1:45 Cosmo Warrior Zero #12
2:10 Infinite Ryvius #2
2:35 Heat Guy J #2
3:00 Argentosoma #12
3:25 Gate Keepers 21 #3
3:50 Gate Keepers 21 #4
4:15 Melty Lancer #3
4:45 Melty Lancer #4
5:15 Babel II #12
5:40 RahXephon
6:05 Great Dangaioh #12
6:30 Gene Shaft #6
6:55 Now and Then, Here and There #12
7:20 s-CRY-ed #2
8:35 Betterman #25
9:00 Neo Ranga
9:15 Descendants of Darkness #12
9:40 Virus
10:05 Gun Froniter
10:30 Neon Genesis Evangelion:End of Evangelion
12:00 The Devil Lady
12:25 The Devil Lady

Room 25c
10:00 Fancy La La #24
10:25 Mao-Chan #1&2
10:50 Corrector Yui #2
11:15 Saint Tail #42
11:40 Space Pirate Mito #8
12:05 Fruits Basket #15
12:30 His and Her Circumstances #19
12:55 Ranma 1/2
1:20 Urusei Yatsura #66
1:45 Inuyasha
2:10 Gokudo #26
2:35 Saber Marionette J to X #24
3:00 Vandread Second Stage #12
3:25 You're Under Arrest #30
3:50 Real Bout High School #12
4:15 Full Metal Panic #7
4:40 Legend of Himiko #11
5:05 K.O. Beast #2
5:30 Love Hina Christmas Movie
6:20 Last Exile #1
6:45 K.O. Beast #3
7:10 Please Teacher #6
7:35 Ai Yori Aoshi #13
8:00 Excel Saga
8:25 Chobits #11
8:50 DNA2 #8
9:15 Haibane Renmei #2
9:40 If I see you in my Dreams OAV #2
10:05 Mahoromatic 2 #2
10:30 Steel Angel Kurumi #21,22
10:55 Steel Angel Kurumi #23,24
11:20 GTO #36
11:45 Steel Angel Kurumi: Encore #25
12:00 The Ping Pong Club
12:25 The Ping Pong Club

Room 25A
10:00 Dragonball GT
10:25 Strange Dawn #7
10:50 ex Driver #6
11:15 King of Bandit Jing #3
11:40 Master Keaton #3
12:05 Rurouni Kenshin #95
12:30 Tsukikage Ran #13
12:55 Y's II #3
1:20 Sakura Wars #6
1:45 .hack//Sign #13
2:10 Eden's Bowy #8
2:35 Yu Yu Hakusho #52
3:00 Boys Over Flowers #3
3:25 Witch Hunter Robin #3
3:50 Saiyuki
4:15 Fushigi Yugi Eikoden #3
4:45 Fushigi Yugi Eikoden #4
5:15 Noir #15
5:40 Adventures of Mini Goddess
5:50 12 Kingdoms #3
6:15 Revolutionary Girl Utena #29
6:40 Samurai Deeper Kyo#3
7:05 X #15
7:30 Read or Die #3
8:00 You're Under Arrest Mini Adventure
8:15 Fooly Cooly #5
8:45 Fooly Cooly #6
9:15 Kaidomaru
10:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #2
10:30 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #3
11:00 Hades Project Zeorymer #1
11:30 Hades Project Zeorymer #2
12:00 Berserk #26
12:25 Vampire Hunter D

Room 25B
10:00 Aura Battler Dunbine #2
10:25 Macross
10:50 Patlaobr #21
11:15 Kikaider #3
11:40 Daiguard #25
12:05 Big O II #3
12:30 Brigadoon #8
12:55 Wild Arms #19
1:20 Banner of the Stars
1:45 Cosmo Warrior Zero #13
2:10 Infinite Ryvius #3
2:35 Heat Guy J #3
3:00 Argentosoma #13
3:25 Gate Keepers 21 #5
3:50 Gate Keepers 21 #6
4:15 Melty Lancer #5
4:45 Melty Lancer #6
5:15 Babel II #13
5:40 RahXephon
6:05 Great Dangaioh #13
6:30 Gene Shaft #7
6:55 Now and Then, Here and There #13
7:20 s-CRY-ed #3
7:45 DNA Sights 999.9
8:35 Betterman #26
9:00 Neo Ranga
9:15 Descendants of Darkness #13
9:40 Virus
10:05 Genma Wars
10:30 Dangaizer 3 #1&2
11:30 Dangaizer 3 #3&4
12:30 Devadasy

Rooms 25C
10:00 A Little Snow Fairy Sugar #5
10:25 Fancy Lala #25
10:50 Corrector Yui #3
11:15 Saint Tail #43
11:40 Space Pirate Mito #9
12:05 Fruits Basket #16
12:30 His and Her Circumstances #20
12:55 Ranma 1/2
1:20 Urusei Yatsura #76
1:45 Inuyasha
2:10 I My Me Strawberry Eggs #12
2:35 Saber Marionette J to X #25
3:00 Vandread Second Stage #13
3:25 You're Under Arrest #31
3:50 Real Bout High School #13
4:15 Full Metal Panic #8
4:40 Legend of Himiko #12
5:05 K.O. Beast #4
5:30 Love Hina Spring Movie
6:20 Last Exile #2
6:45 K.O. Beast #5
7:10 Please Teacher #7
7:35 Ai Yori Aoshi #15
8:00 Excel Saga
8:25 Chobits #12
8:50 DNA2 #9
9:15 Haibane Renmei #3
9:40 If I see you in my Dreams OAV #3
10:05 Mahoromatic 2 #3
10:30 Steel Angel Kurumi:Encore #25,#26,#27
11:10 GTO #37
11:35 The Samurai
12:20 Knights of Ramune #5
12:50 Knights of Ramune #6
1:20 GTO #38
Room 25A
10:00 Dragonball GT
10:25 Street Fighter IIV #25
10:50 Street Fighter IIV #26
11:15 King of Bandit Jing #4
11:40 Master Keaton #4
12:05 Samurai X:Reflections
1:05 Y's II #4
1:30 Sakura Wars #7
1:55 .hack//Sign #14
2:20 Eden's Bowy #9
2:45 Yu Yu Hakusho #53
3:10 Witch Hunter Robin #4
3:35 Adventures of Mini Goddess
3:50 You're Under Arrest Movie

Rooms 25B
10:00 Mobile Fighter G Gundam
10:25 Macross
10:50 Patlabor #22
11:15 Kikaider #4
11:40 Daiguard #26
12:05 Big O II #4
12:30 Brigadoon #9
12:55 Wild Arms #20
1:20 Banner of the Stars
1:45 Voices of a Distant Star
2:10 Infinite Ryvius #4
2:35 Heat Guy J #4
3:00 Crusher Joe OAV:The Ice Prison
4:00 Appleseed

Room 25C
10:00 A Little Now Fairy Sugar #6
10:25 Fancy Lala #26
10:50 Mao-Chan #3&4
11:15 Corrector Yui #3
11:40 Space Pirate Mito #10
12:05 Fruits Basket #17
12:30 His and Her Circumstances #21
12:55 Haunted Junction
1:20 Urusei Yatsura #77
1:45 Inuyasha
2:10 I My Me Strawberry Eggs #13
2:35 Saber Marionette J to X #26
3:00 Adventures of Mini Goddess
3:10 You're Under Arrest #32
3:35 Lupin The 3rd
4:00 Oh! My Goddess #4&5
"Veni. Vedi. Spooki." - Julius Caesar
I came. I saw. I spooked.

He's better than Pop-Rocks!
PostSun Jul 13, 2003 8:54 pm
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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Shocked Holy subtitles, Batman! That's a TON of anime! And it's all for free(besides the admission for the con, I guess)? NOOOOOoooo....
PostSun Jul 13, 2003 11:56 pm
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Joined: Nov 02, 2002
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Toonami visual schedule - UPDATED AUGUST 2, 2015
PostMon Jul 14, 2003 12:25 am
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Joined: Nov 05, 2002
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HaHA! Impetuous fool. You and your weak, small pathetic "Comic-Con" will BOW BEFORE MY SUPERIOR......thing......

(Note to self: Kill Spook, take his place)
PostMon Jul 14, 2003 1:07 am
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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Wow. I've only seen 75 of those (not even a large fraction of what's listed). Would really like to see Last Exile.
Shinobo wrote:
(Note to self: Kill Spook, take his place)

*Makes plans to follow Shinobo's example...*
"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."- C.S. Lewis
"Superman can't be emo. He can't cut himself."-CP
PostMon Jul 14, 2003 1:27 am
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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See this is what I get for my whole family hating California for the rest of eternity.
There is limited intelligence in the galaxy, but the stupidity of the universe is infinite.
PostMon Jul 14, 2003 9:37 am
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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*Begins Recruitment Project for Operation ANNIHILATE TEH SPOOK*

Adult Swim is gonna be there too, cause Brak said so last night.
PostMon Jul 14, 2003 9:46 am
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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I plan on tlaking to Williams Street about employment too. And Toonami. Mostly employment.

by the way, BRING IT ON!

Just in case anyone reading this will be going here's a list of the anime showings I'll almost definitly be at. All are after the exhibition floor is closed and all the panels are completed. Though I might be switching from the anime rooms to some of the movie rooms from time to time depending on what will be showing. I'll also make a list later as to which panels I'll be attending-- Probably when I come home from the con on Thursday.

7:30 Read or Die #1
8:00 Fooly Cooly #1
8:30 Fooly Cooly #2
9:00 Idol Project #1
9:30 Yamamoto Yohko, Starship Girl #4
10:00 Idol Project #2
10:30 Idol Project #3
11:00 Hellsing#12
11:25 Blue Gender #25

7:10 Please Teacher #6
7:30 Read or Die #2
8:00 Fooly Cooly #3
8:30 Fooly Cooly #4
9:00 Idol Project #4
9:40 Virus
10:00 Ninja Scroll #1
10:25 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 1
10:55 Hellsing #13
11:20 Blue Gender #26 or
11:20 GTO #36
11:45 Berserk #25
12:00 The Devil Lady

7:10 Please Teacher #7
7:30 Read or Die #3
8:00 Excel Saga
8:15 Fooly Cooly #5
8:45 Fooly Cooly #6
9:15 Kaidomaru
10:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #2
10:30 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #3
11:10 GTO #37
11:35 The Samurai
12:25 Vampire Hunter D
1:20 GTO #38

On a side note: My 3d Teacher is taking part in a panel about going back to school for animation. I'll be there most definitly; heckeling him to high hell along with all my otha AI homies. Word.
"Veni. Vedi. Spooki." - Julius Caesar
I came. I saw. I spooked.

He's better than Pop-Rocks!
PostTue Jul 15, 2003 2:09 am
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Joined: Nov 13, 2002
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I wish my parents weren't so opposed to me going to Anime cons. We appearantly have some rather large ones here occasionally.
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PostTue Jul 15, 2003 7:45 pm
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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You also have a rather large porno convention as well.
"Veni. Vedi. Spooki." - Julius Caesar
I came. I saw. I spooked.

He's better than Pop-Rocks!
PostWed Jul 16, 2003 2:19 am
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Joined: Nov 13, 2002
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Yeah, but why should I have to pay for my porn when I have a pretty good internet connection right here?
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PostWed Jul 16, 2003 11:55 am
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Joined: Jul 16, 2003
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heh I wouldn't want to think about that convention. I'd rather be a Comic or Anime Convention.
PostWed Jul 16, 2003 12:08 pm
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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I hate watching one episode here and there of varied animes. I like full series only. The only Convention i want to go to is either Space World or E3. (sheer awesomeness).

"one time yug!-Steve O Fuss
"If I threw a stick would you go away?"-a shirt
"Toonami, better than getting kicked in the nuts!"-me
"If I was so inclined, I would have groped you five times!"^O^hohohohoho!-Vash
PostFri Jul 18, 2003 1:36 pm
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