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Naruto (Dub)
First of all, if you don't like Naruto, or if you don't like dubbed anime, get out. Now. Seriously.
Now, Naruto is possibly the most popular series currently running in Japan, and the dub is no different. I'll be reviewing the dub little by little just for you.
The voice actors are first. As annoying and screechy as the voices are, they fit the characters very well. It's kinda neat to here Naruto talk in English. Well.... almost all the voice actors. Sasuke is too normal, and Kakashi is... weird. But, whatever.
The translations and censors are next. The dub censors very little blood, and most of the content that they do show are probably criticized by mothers everywhere (they are what chooses the kind of material appropriate for Toonami). The episode titles are very accurate, and much of the japanese words are right on. "Jutsu" ("technique" or "art" in english) is left untranslated, so much of the ninja techniques they use are accurate.
Last, is the BGM. The BGM is kept in, 100% except for the opening/closing. This is something I don't normally care about, but these are the songs "ROCKS" and "Wind" you're talking about!! These intros make up most of the show, and they replaced them!!! But, I guess they tried. It's pretty cool sounding if you happen to like rock music, too.
So, overall, I give the Naruto dub a 9 out of 10. It is very faithful, and overall has changed little.
Some of you may argue, saying it's not faithful at all, that the voices are horrible, and that you hate watching it. Well, guess what; I don't care. It's very faithful to the manga, the voices are nowhere NEAR as bad as One Piece (4Kids), and I have a solution to your "I hate watching it" problem: simply don't watch it!!
Thank you.
Added: October 24th 2005 Reviewer: Ryan Score:      Related Link: Viz's Official Naruto Site Hits: 3820 Language:
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