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Excel Saga: What Went Wrong (In a good way!)
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
Post subject: Excel Saga: What Went Wrong (In a good way!)
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I have seen the entire series of Excel Saga except for the animal episodes (I thought they were kinda lame). Anyway, I'll give you my review on it.

Excel Saga Review

What word can describe the anime? Crazy? Insane? Whoathisistotallywhackedoutcompletelyoffthehookheywhereismydonut? The last one is possible, but if you watch the whole series, beware! Your mind will boggle on episode 2.

Excel Saga is pretty much a not so average anime. There is typical things like drama, action, a dead girl every episode (same one), but it's more on the comedy side. You got your main character named Excel who never shuts up, a girl named Hyatt who dies every three seconds (or so I think), a leader of a organization bent on ruling the world, and a cute puppy (aka emergency food supply). Plus, throw in a guy named after me, his sexy wife, the director who looks like that in real-life (Think Spike from CB, but with red suit and brown hair), the guy in love with Hyatt, the guy with love issues, the silent guy, and 1 million little creatures, two singers, two robots, a redhead and the creator of the whole series thrown in to throw you off.

Now, throughout the whole series, it just makes a parody of nearly all anime and pop culture including movies, Power Rangers, American Animation, music, basball, and your review episodes. The show has alot of laugh for keep watching 'til the end. But, beware: the show does have your negatives. Many of the jokes wear out and the last and other episodes offended many. But, you could always see past it.

Excel Sage is a good series, no doubt about it. You will die once from the comedic performances and continue until the very end and then cry after it's over. It's that good.

Score: 9.0
PostThu Jul 10, 2003 3:40 pm
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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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Belly-laughing is fun. So is belly-dancing. I enjoyed Excel Saga, My girlfriend hates it, and my roommate thought that Hyatt was hot(and no, wildarmsheero, not that one).

I enjoyed the 2nd to last episode and the first. May this series live on in glory forever!
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PostThu Jul 10, 2003 5:14 pm
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Joined: Nov 08, 2002
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I've been meaning to buy this series, I downloaded the first three episodes and loved it, but here in the middle of nowhere we don't have a lot of anime vendors. Sure, Best Buy has it's tiny section, but that's about it.
PostThu Jul 10, 2003 5:41 pm
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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I have seen most of it. And I also own the 1st 2 DVD's I plan to buy the rest someday. I also think Hyatt is hot...the only turn off is she dies to much
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PostThu Jul 10, 2003 6:01 pm
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Joined: Nov 13, 2002
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Damn you people! Now I have to go buy this series. Any word on a boxed set?
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PostFri Jul 11, 2003 7:54 am
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I just saw it from my brother's friend's neighbor's friend, which is just my brother's friend, but I like to complicate things.
PostFri Jul 11, 2003 1:57 pm
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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Nope Excel Sage is surely not your typical anime to watch, and might as well have your parents watching it simultaneously with you...lemme do a recap of what I know about it!

The inconsequential story of Excel,the indestructible agent of the mysterious ACROSS organization.Her job is to do the bidding of her leader, the handsome Lord Ilparazzo. Until the arrival of Hyatt, the dark-haired Ifurita look-alike, up until that point Excel was the only minion of ACROSS.And there's Menchi, Excel's poor dog,which I think is a cat or it might be a dog with a bad image confliction problem.Anyway, who sings the ending song for the show about how her owner's always abusing her and threatening to eat her.

Oh but I love the zanie parodies to just about everything.As in Rambo:First Blood PartII,Star Wars,Aliens (my fav. with the Puchus), one of Matsumoto Leiji's anime I think it was Galaxy Express...I dunno.Anyway,then concluding with the most indelible characters such as the Puchus, which are cute aliens that resemble Pikachu bent on taking over the world.And Pedro's saga of returning home to his Hot Sexy Wife after an encounter with a dimensional she-portal.

Summing al this together there's Watanabe is the series' fictional director who appears as a guy sporting a red jacket and an afro hairstyle. Even the creator of the EXCEL SAGA manga, Rokudou Hoshi, gets a part on the show as a lanky dude with glasses.

Anyway,I liked the series, can't afford it.But maybe I'll go desperate and sell plasma to maintain my anime fixation or something. Crying or Very sad
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PostSat Jul 12, 2003 12:31 am
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Joined: Jun 15, 2003
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Well, this sounds like a great show.
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PostSat Jul 12, 2003 12:51 am
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Joined: Jul 16, 2003
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How many episodes does it have?
PostWed Jul 16, 2003 11:47 am
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Joined: Nov 13, 2002
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Stryker24 wrote:
How many episodes does it have?

I want to say 26 episodes spread across 6 DVDs. That's 4-5 eps per disc.
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PostWed Jul 16, 2003 2:46 pm
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Joined: Nov 07, 2002
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not really important25 aired on TV while the 26th(is a hentai parody I think) was aired on TV once. While it was not meant too...needless to say someone lost thier job when that happend.

Summing al this together there's Watanabe is the series' fictional director who appears as a guy sporting a red jacket and an afro hairstyle

The scarey thing about that is that the Watanbe really walks around like that in real life.
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PostWed Jul 16, 2003 6:06 pm
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Joined: Nov 08, 2002
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Ludwika wrote:
Nope Excel Sage is surely not your typical anime to watch, and might as well have your parents watching it simultaneously with you...lemme do a recap of what I know about it!

The inconsequential story of Excel,the indestructible agent of the mysterious ACROSS organization.Her job is to do the bidding of her leader, the handsome Lord Ilparazzo. Until the arrival of Hyatt, the dark-haired Ifurita look-alike, up until that point Excel was the only minion of ACROSS.

Actually I just had my mom look at it with me, so was it something she understood? ...nope!

Anyway,when I first saw Excel Saga I honestelly thought Hyatt was bulimic and anorexic reason for her unheatlhy passing out ... but that's just my opinion.
PostThu Jul 17, 2003 8:00 am
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I think it's anemia. Due to the constant fainting and the little bit of blood on the corner of her mouth every time it happen. She's a parody in herself of characters such as Mutsumi from Love Hina. She doesn't actually die many time in the series, just faints constantly and looks dead.

Here's a little something from Ask John!

Characters including Otohime Mutsumi of Love Hina, Hyatt of Excel Saga, Shiori Misaka of Kanon, Mio Kisaragi of Tokemeki Memorial, and girls from Sentimental Journey and Kokoro Toshokan whose names I've completely forgotten all exhibit weakness, ill health, and anemia because these conditions create the impression of a tragic, fragile princess around these characters. In fact, Mutusumi Otohime's name even has the word for princess, "hime," in it. Naturally anemic girls are not quite as common in Japan as anime would have you believe, but the frequency of clinical anemia in Japan is common enough to make the condition a legitimate option for anime characterizations.

PostThu Jul 17, 2003 9:50 am
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Well that's a plausible enough answer to as to why for me ...
PostMon Jul 21, 2003 11:43 pm
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Joined: Jun 27, 2003
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I just finished it. It was pretty good. I have to say that my least favorite episode was the dog one. The second one was extremely funny though. I loved the Gundam parody they had, it was perfect. The last episode wasn't that "adult", it was just un-necessarily gory. There were some boobs, but not alot. Anyway, the worst DVD probably was 3. The only good part of it was the re-cap episode.

This series actually surprisingly reminds me of Bebop. Each episode played on a different genre and there were constant parodies. In Bebop though, there were more influences than parodies and the genres that they played on were more that of western movies, and Bebop had a story.

I liked how Excel Saga developed a sort of wacky ridiculous story line in the last 5 episodes. It was funny, and sweet.

Anyway, Excel Saga gets a 7/10 on the "wildarmsheero" scale.
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PostTue Aug 05, 2003 8:40 pm
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